Botmaster & Digital Marketer. Helping You To Gain More Sales & Free Time For Your Online Business
#botmasternoahI’m a master in chatbot design & development with more than 4 years of experiences in digital marketing & online business


Maya Salesbot
Maya is an AI-powered chatbot that can drive in leads and sales for your business even during your bedtime! Maya is built and suitable for online business that sells products by promotion & offers
AI-Powered Chatbot
Maya has a AI-powered NLP engine that can detect user intent and give a smart response. The more people talk with Maya, the smarter it will be!
Customizeable COntent
You can customize Maya content easily via a simple dashboard anytime when you need it
Leads & Order Dashboard
Track & manage all leads, order and payment via a simple and intelligent dashboard that can recognize all you cold, warm & hot leads. The best part is, you can use all data to create custom audience for you next marketing campaign

Custom Chatbot Development
Design & built any kind of chatbot based on your business requirement. From Leads gen, Smart FAQ, onboarding, training and many more. You ask, we built!
Low Development Cost
Developing a smart custom chatbot is not as complicated as building mobile / web apps. But in most case it require a very good understanding on the requirement and conversation design skill which we are more that capable of doing it at a lower cost and deliver in record breaking time frame
Low Maintainance
With a simple monthly fee (based on number of users), you can rest assure that your bill will not go higher than expected.Â
Dynamic growth
Each custom chatbot designed by us will have the ability to grow easily and dynamically for future improvement. This will greatly reduced future development cost and time
onboarding chatbot
Custom chatbot design & built to automate new recruit onboarding
The chatbot handle new recruit and give them al the onboarding knowledge and steps. Once they have completed onboarding, the chatbot will guide them trough virtual training which when completed, they will be given daily task until then end of the program. The best part is, every engagement made by the new recruit is being tracked and given point. The point is being used for giving rewards and punishment.

Team building chatbot
Automated treasure hunt tasking and management chatbot
During team building, the chatbot is being used to run a treasure hunt for all participant. All they need to do is gather at one place for briefing, get the chatbot link, register them self and their team members and the chatbot will give them their first task and guide them throughout the treasure hunt session. At the end of the session, the chatbot will the announce the winner when instructed by the admin / organizer


Content Distribution chatbot
Send selected and targeted content to all your subscribers. It’s a way to keep you and your business in their mind

Giveaway chatbot
One of the best way to get more leads with low ads spent.

Survey chatbot
Survey works wonders if use wisely. It can bring more quality leads and also new oppoturnity based on user feedback

Quiz chatbot
Put your user on fire. Get them to score high mark and progress to next stage for a better rank

Booking chatbot
Automate service or assets booking with deep google calendar integration

Loyalty point chatbot
The more your customer buy from you, the more point they can get. They can then claim prizes / rewards with their accumulated points
And many more…